Monday, December 12, 2016

Final: Reflective Post

   Well it's that time in the semester where we say goodbye and 
reflect on how the class went and how much we have learned 
throughout the semester.As a future teacher I've learned a lot of new materials that I can incorporate into my teaching and pass down to my future students. In this final blog post I am going to introduce to you what new learning materials I picked up and the resources that were used. 

Digital Blog Posts:
   One of the first assignments that I learned about in this course is doing digital blog post using blogger. The purpose of the blog post was to reflect on different concepts in each chapter that we want to explore and reflect upon. Then we were to choose a creative tool and use it to focus on the blog post.

Website Evaluation Rubric:
   The purpose of this next assignment to create a rubric to use while evaluating an educational/children's academic website. After choosing an academic website we were to use the rubric we created to  evaluate it and then write a written critique for the site.

Instructional Strategies Wiki:
    The purpose of this assignment was for us to work in groups and being creative using collaborative wiki that exhibits different instructional strategies. Each group member was chose one strategy and were to give a detail description of the strategy.The wiki page should've have at least one graphic,hyperlink,video etc. The last part of the wiki process was to evaluate another members wiki page.

   The purpose was to design a web quest using zunal for any grade/subject level. In this assignment we had to include introduction, Task, Process, Evaluation, Conclusion, and Teacher Page.

Collaborative Lesson Plan:
   As a group project were to develop a lesson plan based on 
technology components. It was to be focused on one subject/grade level.Also include one Common Core/Florida Standard. The purpose of this group lesson plan was to someway integrate technology for instruction and provide a written evaluation.

Teacher Webpage ePortfolio:
   The last of the many assignments was the teacher ePortfolio. The purpose was to create a teacher webpage e-portfolio comprised of all the previous assignments, lessons and other significant resources discovered or developed during this course.

Final thoughts:
   The assignments and projects that I described in detail above were what thought were the 6 major ones. Through all these I learned new strategies and things during each lesson and project. Though most of them were time consuming and sometimes stressful I found them to be very helpful. Through these assignments there are many new ideas I can take into my classroom. Looking back on the lesson outcomes I would say that communication (COM): To communicate effectively using standard English(written or oral).
I believe is the one I improved the most throughout the semester. 

    To end this final blog post I can't believe I made it this far 

while taking all three education classes to get my undergraduate 

degree and somehow managed to be successful in passing all three of 

these courses. Thank you professor coleman for a great semester.For   

future students don't procrastinate because it won't get you far and   

its very stressful believe me I would know.


Clipart - Download Royalty Free Clipart, Images, Photos, Fonts, Web Art and Graphics. (n.d.). Retrieved December 12, 2016, from

Maloy, R. W., Verock-O'Loughlin, R., Edwards, S. A., & Woolf, B. P. (2013). Transforming learning with new technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston: Pearson/Allyn and Bacon.

R. (2012, December 09). Retrieved December 12, 2016, from

Secord, A. (2013, December 07). Retrieved December 12, 2016, from

W. (2016, September 15). Retrieved December 12, 2016, from


Sunday, November 6, 2016

Digital Blog Post #J

Chapter 11:Performance Assessment and Reflective Learning

Assessment features three interrelated elements:

1) New teacher assessment: This is how your supervisors will assess your work. As a new teacher you are constantly being evaluated for your academic classroom and performance by other professors and supervisors. This is an important aspect to becoming a teacher because it is important that you are on the right track and are understanding the importance as a teacher. As a teacher I want to be able to have a high academic rate in my class because I want my students to be successful and I want other professors to see that my performance is high because I take my job seriously as well as my students education.

2) Student assessment: This is how you as a teacher will assess your students learning and also your effectiveness as a teacher. As a teacher, you must keep up with your students progress and make sure they are on the right track by making sure they aren't failing but passing. You must be able to document all of you students assignments. As a teacher I will defiantly keep on top of my students because I want them to be successful even if it means meeting with parents, principal, and even a daily update with the student.

3) Student self-assessment: This how the students will participate in the assessment process. It is important that as a teacher you take notice if your student is either a passive recipient or active in your evaluation. Being active in the evaluation means that your student cares about their progress as a student and wants to be successful. I was one of the students who also took great lengths to  improve or get higher grades in class.


B. (2013, June 17). Assessment of Teaching and Learning: Classroom Observation. Retrieved November 06, 2016, from

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Vargas,T(2016,November 6).Self Assessment.Created with ToonDoo screenshot

Vargas,T(2016,November 6).Created with piktochart

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Digital Blog Post #H

Next Generation Presentation Tools

           When I was in middle school and elementary school I remember the only source of presentation we had was microsoft powerpoint. But now for the new generation there are many technological ways to do presentations. Those consist of prezi, animoto, and glogster. Thats why for this blog I chose to just focus on these three types because students are using them more often and I plan to use them as well.

Prezi I learned about this type of presentation in high school when I was doing group project for my medical academy class.I was very fascinated with it every project I had to do I chose to do it using prezi because it was fun and exciting to do and it is very creative.   This type of presentation is also very helpful because unlike some other presentation tools you can zoom in and out, occupy different parts of the screen, use animation, and emphasize clear point over supporting details. I will defiantly be using this as a teacher its one of the best presentation tools.

Animoto I have never heard about this type of presentation tool until now. But from what I can see it is clear that it is a great tool to use as an elementary school teacher. It allows you to use video clips, pictures, sound and text to expand information presented. I would also use this because I will be using a lot of videos, pictures and sound just to get my students more engaged in what I am trying to teach them. This something that students can also use on their own not only for education but on their free time as well.

Glogster this also another presentation I have never heard of before. Just like prezi and animoto it would seem very helpful to use as a teacher. When I was in school there was no such thing as a digital poster just a regular poster which was hand written. I am happy to see that the schools are becoming more creative with they different types of technology. Glogster allows students be very creative combining use of image, sounds, and graphics whit text. These can be shared through e-mail and posted on a  class website instead of being posted on a wall.

Though there are many great points presented in chapter nine I decided to focus on presentation tools because in todays school they are important and focused on more. I am happy to know that the new generation has more technology when it comes to presentation and we are able to entertain and engage the students while teaching them.


How to use Animoto - YouTube. (2014, February 24). Retrieved October 23, 2016, from

Maloy, R., O'Loughlin, R., Edwards, S., & Woolf, B. (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education Inc.

Vargas,T(2016,October 23).Created with piktochart

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Digital Blog Post #G

Chapter 10 - Promoting Success for All Students through Technology

Universal designs of learning - is a application of universal design principals to educational settings

   The universal design learning also known as UDL was design to understand how the brain process information so schools can accommodate broad students needs. There are three ways that the brain process knowledge.

Multiple means of representation : learners various ways of acquiring information and knowledge.

Multiple means of expression : demonstrating what they know.

Multiple means of engagement : learners interest, appropriate challenges, and increase motivation.

    I chose this as my first point because understanding how the brain works is the first step to understanding your student and I believe it's important that we know our students and understand how they learn and take things in.

Writing transformation with technology 

     For me I love writing it's my passion and it's one of my strongest suit. I could write for days non stop but not a lot of people feel the same way especially students. There are many reasons why students feel the way they do towards writing. Some of those reasons are as follows. 

1) Pressure 
2) Lack of confidence
3) Lack of joy
4) Misdirected self evaluation 
5) Lack of patience
6) Ideas of being smart


     Every writer should be happy and motivated to write. That's why as a future teacher I want my students to enjoy writing and not feel bored about doing so, I want them to express themselves within the purpose of the paper. I would love to see my students develop the same passion I have for writing because its a great way to express emotions and who you are.

 Process approaches to writing

There are five steps to becoming a successful writer: 

1) Prewriting/brainstorming
2) Drafting
3) Revsing 
4) Editing
5) Publishing

     The five steps I've mentioned above are the steps that every student should follow to write a successful paper/essay. In school before the teacher even allowed us to begin writing a paper they expected us to brainstorm because it's the important step of them all I believe because you are gathering all your ideas and evidence. That's why I have it in bold. As a teacher we should teach our students these steps so when it comes time they are prepared to write a successful paper/essay.


I. (2015). Making Sense of Universal Design for Learning. Retrieved October 16, 2016, from

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Mignot, C. (n.d.). I Hate Writing Essays. Retrieved October 16, 2016, from

Wordle - Create. (n.d.). Retrieved October 16, 2016, from

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Digital Blog Post #D - Chapter 5

Hello ! Welcome back to my blog

Internet Searching
   I believe it is important for students to know about internet searching because they spend most of their time using computers for class researching. Google was founded in 1998 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin by ranking sites by keywords and sites popularity and how often its being cross-listed with other sites. Google is great for education because it includes tools for the classroom. Some of the tools consist of search education, geo education such as google map and earth, groups communicating with other students and colleagues, drive such as word, spreadsheets and power points, even using blogger to create blog to share work. Google is a great school resource because we can use it to learn and search new information and I use everyday for my school assignments and for general web searches.

Plagiarism and Cheating

   Theses two concepts are two of the biggest problems that students in todays society have a problem understanding. Plagiarism is the direct copying and misrepresentation of someones else work as one's own. Students don't understand that this comes with consequences and in order to avoid plagiarism you need to add quotation marks and in text citation proving where you got your information from.Cheating  is when the use of technology to access information without permission during a test or sending information about the test to another student. Plagiarism and cheating can both result in get suspend or expelled from any school you attend as long as you understand the consequences there is no reason to be either one of these. 


     I chose cyberbullying as my last topic because it is a bug issue in schools and at home. Cyberbullying is a "willful and repeated harm through the use of computer, cellphones, and other electronic equipment". Teenagers and young youth instead of using their computers and cellphones for the proper use for school or having nice conversations they use them to bully each other and hurt each others feelings. Cyberbullying can leave a long lasting affects on the victims causing them to attempt in failing or succeeding in suicide,leading to depression, anxiety, low self esteem, and poor school performance. This following video I believe is perfect example of what cyberbullying can lead to. Please be aware of the language and the content. 


To conclude I believe that google is a great search engine for students to use and to learn off of because it contains many great resources. Please as future and current teacher we need to be more aware of the plagiarism and cheating going o in our classroom and make the student aware if they don't recognize that they are doing it. Lastly cyberbullying is never okay no matter who the person is and what that person looks like there is no excuse for it so please find a way to stop it.

Resources :

B. (n.d.). Google by Karly2013 - ToonDoo - World's fastest way to create cartoons! Retrieved September 25, 2016, from

D. (2010). Own Your Education - Plagiarism and Cheating. Retrieved September 25, 2016, from

Maloy, R., O'Loughin, R., Edwards, S., & Woolf, B. (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education Inc. 

S. (2010). Cyberbullying PSA. Retrieved September 25, 2016, from

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Digital Blog Post #B - Chapter 2

1) Teaching methods an important part of teaching. They consist of the following small groups of activities this helps with communciation skills and it's important to me that my students interact with each other. Then you have students presentations and communication skills this can help increase students public speaking skills which is important because till this day I'm still struggling with public speaking. Lastly the last important teaching method is large group teacher led discussion lectures because as a teacher it's important to interact with my students and connect with them through a lecture or lesson so they get a person.

2)National Educational Technology Standards also known as NETs for teacher and students. The important part of this technology are the students and that's what I want to focus on which consist of the following creativity, communication, working collaboration, learning skills of information research and fluency, critically thinking while problem solving and decision making. I find that these are important because all of the following that I mentioned are attributes I want my students to develop. Being creative can bring out a students personality, communication is something whether student or teacher or any person should know how to do, collaborating with each other to produce great ideas for assignments, learning research skills and fluency students should know how to properly develop research skills and find important information, and lastly critically thinking while problem solving and decision making is important because students should be able to solve problem clearly and rationally.

3) Here are 3 point to why teaching career that matters. As a teacher I want to help my students process academic material so they can understand, process and use it in the future. The next one is what I consider to be important is we should be able to teach and reach students and establish their unique and individual ways. Lastly student should be able to balance outside and inside school influences helping them balance to maintain academic achievement. Though all these are important the second point I mentioned above because I want my students to be able to be their own person and show their personalities.

To conclude I believe that students have a lot to learn and have a lot to develop to become a better students. As a teacher its our job to bring out the best in each and every student.


"Login - Register at ToonDoo - World's Fastest Way to Create Cartoons!" Login - Register at    ToonDoo - World's Fastest Way to Create Cartoons! N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Sept. 2016.

Maloy, R., O'Loughlin, R., Edwards, S., & Woolf, B. (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education Inc

Http:// "National Educational Technology Standards NETS Assignment 1 2." YouTube. YouTube, 2015. Web. 11 Sept. 2016.

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Digital Blog Post #A - Chapter 1

1) As I was reflecting on chapter 1 the first thing that stood out to me was when the use of technology first came about and I was not at all surprised to see that it was in my generation the 1990s. I have a clear memory that at the age of 9 I had my very first flip phone and then I went on to get a computer. Then i look back and they started creating all theses little games on phone that we can play. As well as for computers i remember play tetris and jump start which is great learning game. I remember when the social networking site of Myspace first came about I was so excited to have my own account. 

2)Then as I continued to read on I came across a graph was about media use of the age and hours students would spend. As Looked on and with no surprise it was clear that this new generation of kids spend the most time on exposure to media and total media use. I mean i don't believe it 7-10 hours a day on social media that's ridiculous. In my generation I would much rather be outside playing with my friends or at the park playing hopscotch and having sleepovers and talking.

3)Last but not least what stood out to me was the different types of digital technology that now exist and those concept of Tech-based library, Tech-based textbook and Tech-based learning environment. When I was ins school all we had was hard cover textbooks and workbooks no online sources,i never remember once when a teacher posted assignments online besides in high school, and the library all their was were reading books and dictionary but no computers.

To conclude its fair to say that this day in age its all about technology. I now came to the realization that by the time I become a teacher I will need to know as much as possible about technology because its what teaching is based on in this century. Its clear that technology has advanced for the better of education.

Maloy, R., O'Loughlin, R., Edwards, S., & Woolf, B. (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education Inc.